(WHS) Policy Statement

Work Health & Safety Policy

Noppen Air Pty Ltd is an Australian company offering service, design and installation of HVAC systems for industrial, commercial and buildings. We have established ourselves as a leader and preferred supplier in the industry through continual improvement, innovation and professionalism.

Noppen Air Pty Ltd considers the health, safety and welfare of all persons employed by the company and those affected by our operations are our top priority. Noppen Air Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring elimination of hazards and that our workplaces are safe and without risk to the health, safety and welfare for all our employees, contractors, visitors and clients.

Health, safety and well-being of our employees, contractors, visitors and clients is our prime responsibility and we are committed to actively promote the maintenance of a work environment free from hazards to prevent work-related injury and ill health.

In carrying out our business operations, Noppen Air Pty Ltd is committed to consulting with employees and contractors on all matters that may affect their health, safety and welfare. Noppen Air Pty Ltd will provide the necessary funding and resources to ensure that the workplace is safe and without risk of harm to any person working for and/or on behalf of Noppen Air Pty Ltd.

Paul Noppen
Managing Director


Our WHS Policy strives to;

  • Develop, implement and maintain a WHS Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, applicable health and safety legislation, regulations, codes of practice and industry best practice;
  • Achieve and maintain an accident, injury and disease free workplace.
  • Include health and safety consideration in all business activities.
  • Consult with employees and contractors on matters involving health and safety and seek their active participation.
  • Provide a continuous program of information and training to ensure our employees and contractors work in the safest possible way.
  • Ensure all systems of work used are safe and meet or exceed minimum standards.
  • Set up and monitor a system for identifying, assessing and eliminating or controlling all actual and potential hazards related to the company’s undertakings resulting in continual improvement of our WHS systems.
  • Investigate all incidents, accidents and near misses to ensure future events can be prevented as far as possible.
  • Establish systems to monitor and review the company’s WHS performance by setting and periodic review of WHS objectives and targets
  • Create a culture that encourages employees and contractors to actively participate in assisting the company to provide a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Communicate this policy to all employees and contractors and make it available to interested parties, as appropriate.