Policy Statement

Environmental Policy

Noppen Air Pty Ltd is an Australian company offering service, design and installation of HVAC systems for industrial, commercial and buildings. We have established ourselves as a leader and preferred supplier to the industry through continual improvement, innovation and professionalism.

We have developed this policy to serve as a statement of our commitment to protecting our environment while conducting our activities and preventing pollution by minimizing waste and using the most energy efficient equipment where possible.

Noppen Air Pty Ltd’s approach to Environmental Management is one of continuous improvement through risk based thinking, enhancement of skills, knowledge and commitment of our employees and contractors at all levels of the organization.

Paul Noppen
Managing Director

Noppen Group Pty Ltd aims to:

  • Develop, implement and maintain an Environmental Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015, applicable environmental legislation, regulations, codes of practice and industry best practice;
  • Provide relevant employees and contractors with the appropriate skills, resources and support to enable them to carry out their work with due consideration to the environment;
  • Develop a culture that encourages employees and contractors to demonstrate work practices that are consistent with the objectives of this policy and prevention of pollution;
  • Continuously monitor and record relevant parameters of our activities to provide objective evidence of the environmental risk management, performance and improvement where there is opportunity to do so;
  • Provide a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets;
  • Consider environmental protection during planning, design, construction/ installation, maintenance and decommissioning of projects;
  • Assign responsibility and authority for environmental risk management to relevant employees and contractors;
  • Communicate the importance of meeting our environmental obligations including this policy to all personnel working for or on our behalf;
  • Expect our suppliers and contractors to meet the same environmental objectives and systems we have set for ourselves;
  • Implement effective communication channels with those who are affected or likely to be affected by our business practices and relevant interested parties.